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Oh Come, Emmanuel!

At SVTFarm, Emmanuel is the most powerful sheep.

Strong and statured, he demands attention simply by existing.

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Emmanuel has three main connections:
his food, his flock, and his people.

I know he wants to stay with the group

and have a place at the table.

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Emmanuel wants connection

Emmanuel likes to have his face scratched. 

Don't rub or scratch the front of a ram’s head.

They use it for ramming!

I feel unsettled when Emmanuel comes right up to me,
so I pay attention.  

Emmanuel connects with me and tells me he’s glad to be seen.

I scratch the side of his face.

I like to smooth his Lincoln beard with my fingers.

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Emmanuel helps me see the connections with our food, flock and people.

SVTFarm benefits all of us.

We are a community who overcomes great challenges, celebrates our livelihood, and feels joy, peace and fulfillment.