5 Ways Eggs Help your Body

Look no further than the humble, modest Egg for powering the body.

Sweet Potato Hash and Eggs

Sweet Potato Hash and Eggs

EAting Farm Fresh eggs helps our Brain, Eyes, Heart, Bloodstream, and Waist Line.

I love eggs and keeping omniverous chicks and chickens.

Eggs are amazing and contain all 9 Essential Amino Acids, the ones that can’t be produced by our bodies.

Eggs have the most nutritious amino acid profile known — more than meat, milk or soy.

Plus, they can be a solution to ending food waste and help save the Earth.

Chickens love food scraps and by keeping chickens we eliminate food waste in our garbage stream and cycle it back to the Earth.

Our chickens are about to start rotating across the pasture following the cows and sheep.

This helps limit fly reproduction, too.

Notice their bright yellow, firm yolks from the Omega-3 Fatty Acid ‘seasoning’ thanks to the Sun and plants photosynthesis cycle.

Eggs in our diet provide:

  1. Nutrient transport

  2. Critical cell activities,

  3. Vision support

  4. Infant memory function

  5. Highest attainable digestibleprotein

Eggs are found to reverse malnutrition, possibly increase height in children, and positively impact skeletal muscle health.

Important stuff and simple to get into our bodies.


I am not a physician or nutritionist nor am I providing medical or nutritional advice.

  • Brain: Eggs are high in Choline, an incredibly important nutrient and most people don’t get enough of it.  Nutritional experts say at least 100 mg of choline can be found in each large egg.  Choline helps produce signaling molecules in the brain and plays a role in infant memory function, as well as regular cell activity.

  • Eyes: Eggs contain the antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin that have been found to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. PLUS, they are high in Vitamin A, a deficiency of which is the leading cause of blindness.

  • Heart: Eating eggs has been found to raise HDL, or good cholesterol, linked to reducing the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and stroke. Their consumption also seems to change large LDL particles, or bad cholesterol linked to increased heart disease risk, into smaller LDL particles.

  • Bloodstream: The choline content in eggs helps transport nutrients in the bloodstream and helps with liver function.  Eggs produced by chickens living in a pasture system have increased Omega-3 fatty acid content produced in plants by sunlight.  These fatty acids are said to lower blood triglyceride levels research found with consumption of five eggs a week by 16-18%.  Eggs are high in cholesterol, providing half the daily recommended allowance at 212 mg per large egg, but that has been found not to adversely affect blood cholesterol levels in most people.

  • Waist Line: Eggs are simple - no sugar, no carbs, no gluten. They are arguably the most nutritious food providing significant amounts of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in a high quality protein containing all 9 essential amino acids in one source.  Eating eggs is a satisfying and filling way to start each day that can reduce cravings providing 70 calories per large egg.

  • PLUS, Eggs provide allof these benefits at a low cost!

Wild Ramp, Spinach and Cheddar Quiche

Wild Ramp, Spinach and Cheddar Quiche

I love eggs, chicks and chickens.

Eggs benefit our body.



