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Everything You Want To Know About Farm Lifestyle, Shepherding, And The Best Advice Ever

You want to understand how a farm turns into food, but can’t really see the path from the pasture to the package on the shelf.

You don’t have time or energy to sort and prioritize the list of certifications that are supposed to prove the worthiness of the lamb’s life is encompassed in the package you feed your family.

So, you’re buying into something you can’t really evaluate.

I get it and I know this is why you ask me about my lambs and my farm life.

We’re lucky sharing stories happens naturally for us…and this creates a sense of belonging that you know is honest.

The folks who buy lamb from me have taught me common  things in my life-

like watching lambs nursing or

the touch of petting a sheep;

bring you great joy and wonder. 

In response to your questions in my season review find part one of my pieces focused on 

my farm lifestyle and shepherding.

Introducing a mock interview with SVTFarm

What is your vision, hope, and dream for the coming year?

In the context that we’re facing existential threat to future human civilization-

my mission is to use the power of the sun to produce healthy, high quality market garden crops, meats, eggs, and fiber for our community today. 

My dream is to farm in a way towards the benefit, rather than detriment of future generations and to be one step towards reconciliation between humanity and the earth.

I am figuring out how to be non-extractive.

My hope is to be joined by others;

thought leaders, farmers, land stewards, philanthropists, and governing bodies -

for the creation of  vibrant, just, high quality lives with dignity and purpose for ourselves, our farms, and our families.   

Together, we’ll practice living with dignity, value, joy and love for the ecosystem we are a part of.

SVTFarm’s  Vision is summed up by the term-

Active SOIL

To us that means Actively





My purpose is to become a person who can

help others see their own potential,

to create opportunities for the community to develop and thrive with resiliency and self-reliance as I demonstrate an example of what's possible.

I dream of our community members becoming and representing a people of



compassion, and


that demonstrate bravery, leadership, and vision.

Our community dynamic is diverse, complex, and stable.

The ecosystem is in symbiosis and the biomass is not decreasing, it is maximized to as great a collective life as possible.

The communities are collaborative in nature.

I dream of a Land that is deep, rich, aggregated soil that is loose, friable and arable.

Above  ground includes photosynthetic plants that are maximizing solar energy capture.

Below ground root exudate production is maximized to exponentially improve the biological function.

We have clean Air.

The Mineral, Water and Energy Cycles will be preserving and recycling all components to supply and grow the resources necessary to sustain life.

What surprises come up?

Lambing was pretty easy this year, but in the past-

Triplets and quadruplets.

My daughters were showing at the county fairs the first year we had triplets,

three sets in one season. 

They were feeding their sheep so well to show the best attributes of their sheep.


Good nutrition is beneficial to fertility .

I was surprised by the creation of consistent triplet lambs.

2022 surprised me when our Lincoln ewe Sadie delivered quadruplets.

I really didn’t believe they were all hers.

My surprise found me shining a flashlight for a good look around every other sheep for signs they were someone else’s. 

Our simple barn surprises me, too.

During the season, walls come up and go down to shift the space from moms-to-be and mom’s-with-lambs.

Temporarily permanent - our simple solution to change over time.

What do you do in the barn?

Chores take time and the monotony can get to me sometimes.

Everyday in every season, we work feeding, moving fence, planting, harvesting, and watering.

But there is this other thing I do…

I seem to have spent a good part of my life–probably too much–in just standing and staring.

— James Herriot

I lose track of time standing and staring at my sheep, cows, and horses.

Often I am contemplating

the direction I should take, 

what animals are thriving with the least amount of work by me

what beneficial traits am I seeing?

Photo Credit: Rendered Images by Kimberly Donaldson

I am just like everyone who enjoys the pleasure of observing

  • Relationship and conversations going on between moms and lambs

  • Instigators that are being territorial or frisking

  • Grooming behavior

What’s the best advice you ever received?

Every year is different.

There’s a sameness of farming over seasons and especially after many years.

As a farmer you’re trying to hold onto things that you learn work well and build upon them when you may only experience this aspect once a year, like with lambing.

When facing a challenge in the sheep barn I was beating myself up .

My Dad looked me in the eye and shared “Every Year is Different.”

The simple mindset shift from those words made all the difference.

Simply put there is no right or wrong  way, thing, or idea.

It will always be different and my work is to make the best of it…to polish the diamond in the rough.

I’ve grown -

to gather into one  everything I know,

to coach myself through difficult places, and

to seek expert advice for consideration.

I create better results because of this advice.

Sharing my life and following my dreams has never been so easy.

I’m so grateful for your interest and appreciation.

It’s your desire to be a part of this change that makes a difference in our lives.

Forward this blog post to someone you want to be on this journey with us.