You Can Have It All

I used to wake up dreading the day ahead and I wondered what I was doing wrong, frequently.  

Drifting North Along The Edge of The Taconic Mountains at Little Lake St. Catherine, Wells, VT June 2022

Now, I’ve fixed my mindset and started  feeling real fulfillment in life. 

Taking care of my basic needs by 

eating food fresh from my farm and 

planning pleasure for myself first…

I started to feel better AND I had the energy to do the bigger things. 

I used to think if I knew how to create a budget, I would be profitable in my farming.


If I knew people who were grazing and growing a garden, I would know how to 

balance it all.


If I was better at eating well and exercising, I would have the energy to farm all day and play with my son every night.

disgust sometimes permeated my private life.

I would beat myself up for not being who I wanted to be.

I would criticize my family for not being who I wanted them to be.

I realize you may struggle with the same things.

For me, all that has changed thanks to

5X Your Farm Life coaching.

With the mindset I’ve been practicing, I now

Can Help You.

Laura and her salad lunch are on the water in her blue kayak under cotton clouds and surrounded by green shores.

After Morning Chores

Last June, I had an idea for my lunchtime on a beautiful, sunny day

Green grass growing all around and hardly a breeze at about 70 degrees F. 

It was Salad Bowl Season and they’re so  easy to pack for a picnic. 

  • Rice in the bottom

  • Greens piled deep

  • Grated crunchies like golden beets, radishes, and carrots

  • Savory and sweet like hard-boiled eggs, nuts, and berries

  • Glorious dressing drizzled over

Just thinking about this salad started to make me feel happy.

So Good For Our Bodies

I wanted a special setting, too…

  • Not the house that needed cleaning on such a beautiful day

  • Not on the porch watching traffic drive by…

Something natural and fluid like

Little Lake St. Catherine with a picnic on the water In My Kayak.

I felt fulfilled even before I left the farm.

Laura invited her spouse to join her for lunch in the kayak at Little Lake St. Catherine, Wells, VT June 2022

When I Invited My Husband

I noticed he was stuck on a never-ending to-do list, but I kept following my vision and put the kayaks on the truck.

Then, here he comes to join me.

It was our dream to kayak every day like we used to, but we weren’t doing it until then.

I was an example to him - and that’s a spouse’s best compliment ever.

I felt so good that day - full of








It was something just for us, for our health, our minds, and our marriage

I started hearing this saying in my head repeatedly-

You Can Have It All

Everything was so clear. Following my dreams. Sharing my life. Gratitude for all my blessings.

For me, this idea started that day on the water and I’ve been crafting the ever-evolving message for you ever since.


Bringing this fulfillment to you is what this is all about.

Your vision might look different from mine, but I’m sure that it’ll hold nourishment for your body and mind.

I can help you by sharing recipes and kitchen hacks to streamline your flow to give you satisfaction beyond your imagination.

Happy New Year!


Save the Date - CSA Shares Open

January 7, 2023

My small farm feeds a limited number of families.
It’s first come, first serve.
I always sell out. Don’t miss out.