Hamburger Stew with Fresh Corn and Tomato

It tastes so good.

We’ve waited all year for fresh corn and tomatoes.

Eating well and feeling good is so easy with fresh vegetables, like sweet corn and tomatoes at summer’s peak.

adopt an annual ritual with this recipe for

SVTFarm’s Hamburger Stew with Fresh Corn

and Tomato to create a summer tradition.

Here’s a great way to showcase SVTFarm Ground Beef with fresh sweet corn and tomatoes for the best flavor ever.

Pop summer in your mouth with herbs fresh from the garden….

And, if you go all the way with Farm Fresh Corn and Cheddar Dumplings -

You’ll be DELIGHTED!

SVTFarm Hamburger Stew with Fresh Corn and Tomatoes

Make a double batch. Of Summer.

I do, always, even when it’s just the three of us.

Freezing half makes a quick meal after we come home from skiing in January.

And now,

This Stew makes a delicious lunch served cold on these hot days.

Working from home means almost all our meals are home-made…

and I avoid a cooked lunch whenever possible.

Slide this right in, you’ll have the wellness you crave for a fulfilling life.

SVTFarm’s Hamburger Stew with Fresh Corn and Tomatoes comes together to feed everyone all in one pot.

Balanced with all the protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals like zinc, iron, B vitamins, thiamin, vitamin C,

Everything you need to serve a wholesome dish.

Clean up is quick and the prep is easy with a little chopping and stirring.


Everything can be ready in 30 minutes.

Here’s my secret tip - when you’re browning the SVTFarm Ground Beef and Onion:

  • let it cook and combine the dumpling dough.

  • Clean up as you go when simmering the stew.

  • Pop the dumplings onto the hot stew and tidy up the last bits.

You are free from the kitchen now.

Everyone can take care of their dishes and you’ll only have to refrigerate the leftover stew -

Or, freeze it right away and clean the stew pot, too.

Farm Fresh Corn and Cheddar Dumplings

If you’re not making your own homemade broths and stocks -

Or, your hamburger is still frozen when you are ready to start cooking -

I’ve got you.

But for right now-

If you’re trying to make this stew and your ground beef is frozen…TRY THESE TRICKS

  • Place 1# SVTFarm Ground Beef in a large bowl of cold water or sink basin. It usually defrosts in about an hour.

  • Use your microwave’s defrost setting; checking frequently. Ususally about 5-6 minutes will do.

  • Pop the frozen block into the stock pot cooking on low and using a spatula to break it down smaller and smaller until browned.

I love this dish because it’s such a wholesome and simple way to keep the bountiful days of summer fresh in your mind.

I cut at least 50 ears of corn off the cob to put up several quarts of corn for the winter.

Corn, especially local organically grown corn, is a great carbohydrate with vitamins and minerals, like thiamin, and fiber for healthy nutrition.

The local hardware store usually has a tool for a few bucks to cut the corn off the cob quickly and includes the juicy pulp that just makes me swoon.

I’ve even boiled the cobs for the most luscious corn stock for the BEST corn chowder in the the world.

Tomatoes are ripening like crazy.

Their summer flavor is unmatched by any grocery store can.

You can easily preserve some tomato sauce quickly and enjoy the nutritional benefits of Vitamin C and antioxidants like lycopene that tomatoes provide in the winter.

Here’s what I do-

  • Tomatoes have an enzyme that causes the pulp to separate from the juice once the tomato is cut and the flesh makes contact with air.

  • So, working with my stock pot on medium-low, I dice clean tomatoes right into the pot and bring them to a simmer quickly - crushing each one and stirring as I go.

  • Once you have a few started, you’re off to the races and each addition is stabilized before the separation occurs.

  • Strain this after 10 minutes of simmering with whatever tool you use, be it a Squeezo strainer, and Italian made hand me down I have, or even a wire sieve that cleans up quick.

This tomato sauce can be frozen.

Can pint jars with additional citric acid and salt, like I do, to make homemade sauces and stews like SVTFarm’s Hamburger Stew with Corn and Tomato all Winter.

You don’t have to thicken it up a lot, either.

I find it a waste of time and energy.

The flavor is what I’m preserving.

Pizza sauce can be made in 10 minutes with a few chopped onions and peppers, a pint of tomato sauce, basil, oregano, parsley and a nice bit of grated parmesan cheese .

If you canned with salt and citric acid, check to taste before adding any more salt first.