Mouth-Watering Beef Steak Nutritious and Delicious

A mouth-watering solution for high-quality, complete protein is beef steak.

Yet, misleading and non-causative information from “years of shoddy research” told us- avoid it.

Here’s the thing.

Beef Steak is a nutritious, health-conscious, and delicious protein source.

The  SVTFarm Beef Steak Guide is here to help you.

Use this guide to select, prepare, and serve steak as a healthy part of your diet.

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Let’s dive in.

Over the past 100 years, our diet’s increase of processed food  tracks with increases in Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) health risks, not beef consumption.

NCD’s are responsible for 74% of human deaths worldwide.

These NCD’s or chronic health issues  include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, as well as mental health conditions.

We’ve seen claims drawing false conclusions before, such as

  • Butter is bad, Trans-fat Margarine is good. 

  • Eggs are bad

  • Avoid all fat

Americans like us have access to premium nutritive ingredients, like beef steak.

Contrarily, cheap food policy promoting processed food is bankrupting  our health capacity, along with our local rural economies.

It’s incumbent upon us to utilize and benefit from top rate nutrition including farm-fresh beef steak.

So that we are a society with the cognitive ability capable of creating solutions now and for tomorrow.

Beef Steak Is Part Of A Healthy Diet

Eating a balanced meal is key to a healthy body.

Diets including fantastic protein of beef steak go beyond preference.

Steak is pure and whole - no preservatives or additives and is from one source

Steak is top quality beef and unprocessed.

Poorer grade cuts need to be ground, cubed, or cooked forever to tenderize them.

Real World Uses For Beef Steak

Especially useful because of key nutrients for  

  • Anemics

  • Yound infants, Adolescents, Women, and Older Adults

  • Some Immuno-Compromised and Diabetics 

Steak is packed with protein, a fundamental building block of our body.

It’s a “complete protein” containing all 9 types of amino acids.

When you eat complete protein, like beef steak, your body has each of the parts it needs to do the work within our cells.

Missing parts become limiting factors in health, healing, and wellness.

Beyond environmental (ie transportation) and economic benefits,

Eating beef steak from your local environment grown with diverse plants, microbial life, and clean soil/water is

Suggested to be more readily available to meet your body’s needs.

As workhorses of the cell, proteins compose structural and motor elements in the cell, and they serve as the catalysts for virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in living things.

5 ways beef steak helps you

  1. Healthier body weight

  2. Muscle growth

  3. Reduced muscle loss (Sarcopenia)

  4. Appetite quenching

  5. Providing 6 Essential Vitamins and Minerals

  • Zinc

  • Selenium

  • Niacin

  • Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin B12

  • Iron

Consider beef steak instead of a lab-created, drugstore supplement in cost and value.

Let’s Have Steak

Seize the power of whole, nutrient dense Beef steak.

You’ll see how to confidently use Beef steak as a nutritious and health-conscious source of protein.

Don’t miss out on a savory superfood important for your health.

I’m here for you.

Use this Beef Steak Guide to select, prepare, and serve steak as a healthy part of your diet.

Mouth-Watering Beef Steak Guide

Follow these simple steps to cook beef steak

Get yourself a good instant read thermometer. 

Bring to room temperature 30 minutes before cooking (optional, but worth it)

Place on a plate, pat dry

Season both sides with salt and pepper, or seasonings, glazes, etc.

Broil, Grill, or Fry to temperature (temperature will rise additional 10F while resting)

  • Rare: 120° to 125°

  • Medium Rare: 130° to 135°

  • Medium: 140° to 145°

  • Medium Well: 150° to 155°

  • Well-Done: 160° to 165°

Remove from heat

Cover loosely or tent with foil

Serve after resting 10 minutes.

know how you want to Use Beef Steak

Match your chosen steak with your meal’s purpose.

For example, cooking for children that prefer small, uniform bites without any fat - a NY Strip Steak matches with consistent slices dicing up quickly and easily.

MOm - You’ll appreciate this if your food usually is cold by the time you fix everyone else’s.

It’s not a processed filler

Higher per pound prices of limited, premium Beef Steak are expected. 

beef Steak is an excellent value of superior nutrition in a compact package.

How to maximize your value.

Tenderloin steak (Filet Mignon) in the top photo, is mouth-watering, fast cooking (2 min per side), and comes as individual portions around 4 oz.

Best to prepare them last, right before the meal.

Reserve these steaks for intimate settings rather than groups.

For special, large meals reserve a whole tenderloin roast in advance.

This is how you can create a similarly cherished feast at scale. 

Whole tenderloins can weigh up to 5#, are superb and limited.

Butchers and Cooks continue to explore new ways to present and prepare beef steak delectably.

It’s my goal to eliminate overwhelming and redundant choices for beef steak.

Over years of experience with my butcher and as a home cook, this guide summarizes the best steaks, in the perfect sizes, that Perform consistently.

Plus, they imaginatively take care of your body and positively influence your health.

Now, over to you-

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