Split Pea Soup


1-2 cups Mirepoix

French cooking term: Mirepoix: a sautéed mixture of diced vegetables (such as carrots, celery, and onions), herbs, and sometimes ham or bacon used especially as a basis for soups, stews, and sauces. Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mirepoix

3-4 cups dried split peas

2 Bay leaves

Leftover Ham bone, preferably the fat and scraps from the roasting pan 


Using whatever you have on hand, dice your mirepoix vegetables and sautée lightly in leftover ham fat, coconut oil or your oil of choice.

Add all the solids to the slow cooker.  Add water to the roasting pan to capture the flavor of the roast in your soup, continuing until slow cooker is full and pan is clear.

Let cook all day or until peas are soft, depending on your device and serve.  Just so you know, this dish is easily adapted for vegetarian cooking by eliminating the ham component. I like to add grated Parmesan as a tasty garnish and serve with grilled cheese sandwiches. 

Homemade soups are time and money savers. 

  • One soup a week provides a main weeknight meal and several lunches

  • You can even freeze a serving or two to avoid cooking on a future busy day or night. 

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