These 5 signs are rampant around here. How to tell if you have a full blown case of ‘Spring’ fever and what to eat to get through it.
Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash
If you are having dreams about bears and the end of their hibernation; you probably have spring fever. In Medicine Cards, (by Jamie Sams and David Carson, Bear & Company, 1988.) ‘Bear’ symbolizes ‘Instropection’ and that “Bear seeks honey, or the sweetness of truth.” It is stated “To accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the art of introspection is necessary.” I love this connection between growth mindset, emergence, and spring. They continue “If we choose to believe that there are many questions to life, we must also believe that the answers to these questions reside within us.” Yes! We have agency to act freely and to choose paths that lead to our goals. There you have it. You surely have spring fever to romanticize in such a way.
If your heart sings to earthworm sightings; you probably have spring fever. Our farm is a living landscape of life and while inspecting the new shoots of green and observing the decay of 2020’s cow patties; earthworms poke out bravely or with caution to feel the warmth of Spring. This is one example of “macrobiota” and doesn’t even begin to cover the “microbiota” unable to be seen by the naked eye.
If you are taking photos of green shoots and early spring flowers like garlic, tulip, daffodil, dandelion, snowdrops, and crocus; you probably have spring fever. I remember all the days in the garden, planting, mulching, harvesting scapes, pulling, curing, and storing pungent garlic. Now I know why it is all worth it! Seeing their strong, spring growth lifts my heart and helps me to believe that even if it snows a foot, soon warmth will arrive.
If you are wearing shorts and running around barefoot; you probably have spring fever. I feel the weight of the winter gear, wools and overcoats, long underwear, mittens and hats forgotten, only remembered with the contrast of a lightness of body and a freedom of movement that is characteristic of Spring!
If you are taking the dog on yard circuits to search out those shoots that signal your flower gardens, pathways, and centers of green joy have taken hold, survived, and indeed will come again; you probably have spring fever. I don’t feel like it is a lot of exercise, but I certainly settle into the mental paths of being present to witness every visible change to the landscape. Could it possibly program my internal clock, prepare me for the long days approaching, and connect me to the spinning island home: Earth?
It’s for certain. Spring Fever has taken hold around here. What to do about it? Feast upon the bounty of Eggs from the chickens who are light lovers as well. Quiches, pound cakes, and hard boiled egg sandwiches are delightful with spring greens like chives, dandelion greens, nettle, spinach and mushrooms.