Making Mother’s Simple Pot Roast

I’ve had days where I wasn’t sure if it was even worth making dinner. 

I‘ve been ready to throw in the towel because of disappointment, rejection and overwhelm.

What if I told you that making my Mother’s Pot Roast could help you turn this around? 

Here’s a recipe that feeds you heart and soul. It’s easy to start in the morning and ready to eat when you get home. Good for more than one meal, too.

Do you remember “onion soup mix”? That processed flavoring packet  was my first understanding of how to make a pot roast.  The perfect ‘lab created natural flavoring’ delivered with salt.

Why were home cooks hesitant to try cooking pot roast any other way? Convenience.

We’re learning the cost of convenience is higher than we ever imagined.

The “Food Renaissance” challenges convenience with an emphasis on quality. The complexity of food creation is way beyond ‘pour-on’, input based mentalities.

Plants create primary and secondary metabolites that we can taste. Flavor is actually a measurement of quality.  Brix, or sugar levels, of plants are linked to flavor and quality, also.

Here’s the paradox. So called natural flavors trick our brains to think “Oh, wow, a ‘new’ flavor that we’re curious about and then tie those patented flavors to fat, salt, and sugar to condition us to want it again.

It’s a very simple feedback loop. We have control of our thinking on this. You might recognize another message from your food.

When you eat better, you feel better.

Ruminants, like our beef, eat healthy plants that come from diverse and clean soils to create nutrient-dense, diverse and clean proteins. A simple cycle repeated for centuries.

Sheep are the most selective grazers. They use their muscular lips to select specific plants bite by bite based on their own biological knowledge accessed through the digestive feedback loop.

Committed to whole foods and slow foods? Me, too.  Or, how about Paleo - it’s been a part of my Lyme disease recovery.

Food is our first tool in self-care.

It’s still personal, of course. Every individual gathers feedback from their own body. Just be sure to start with quality ingredients.

Make a flavor filled meal with spinach and microgreen salad with a piece of pot roast and mashed roots.